Have you heard of Leslie Patricelli and her books? She’s an author/illustrator of board and picture books for young children. I would say babies and toddlers, but if I did that you wouldn’t read on to find out the age of my kiddo who wanted to read this “toddler” book. Do keep reading … because the answer may surprise you.
First things first – I must tell you – this book is HILARIOUS!
There’s a BIG SURPRISE in the middle and no, I am not giving it away! You’re going to have to get it and read it yourselves!
When I saw it on the “new books” shelf at the library I grabbed it right away. We are BIG fans of Leslie Patricelli books in our house. Have been since my guy was a wee one. Her books have always been winners for us.

So this is how things went.
We read it before bed one night. I probably should note that I read this book to an 8-year old who is in second grade and reading above grade level.
VERY IMPORTANT TAKE-HOME point here for the grown-ups!
Kids want/can/should be reading books on all different levels at home. I keep the focus on books that he ENJOYS. We never read “for practice”. We read for enjoyment. My focus is to raise a child who loves reading. I can’t do that if reading is work and not fun!
Mary Gallagher, who ran the education website Teach a Child to Read often stressed this point as well. She encouraged parents to focus on real books (rather than text books or leveled reading books) and books that were enjoyed by kids. She always said to have kids read easier books rather than more difficult. She supported that advice well with research. Her website is no longer active, but as of the publication of this article you can still view her Facebook page and find many helpful tips.
In addition to her recommendations we look to read hard books, easy books, baby books, magazines, catalogues, DVD covers. You name it. We read what we find INTERESTING. If he needs help with words he lets me know. If he wants to read it he does. If he wants it read to him he asks us to.
Repeat. If he wants me to read the book to him … I do.
I’ve seen research that says we should keep reading to our kids until they are as old as 14 – and that this strategy will help them to be strong, life-long readers. Interesting idea isn’t it. And that’s what happened last night – I read to him.
I might add that this book has, at most, TWO WORDS PER PAGE SPREAD.
Fun Facts about Leslie Patricelli books:
- They are VERY FUNNY – for kids AND adults. Code for get thee to the library and check out every single Leslie Patricelli book they have!
- She’s published many books featuring her beloved bald baby character. Is he/she in this book? Might be … I’m not giving that bit away lol!
- Her illustrations are RICH and full of VIBRANT color. We have her books in board book format but Bigger! Bigger! is in large picture book format. I felt that the paper used in the book made the illustrations even more robust with almost a three dimensional feel to them.
- Bigger! Bigger! was published in 2018 by Candlewick Press (one of my most favorite kids book publishers, you can always count on a Candlewick Press book to be amazing).
Who reads Leslie Patricelli books to their kids? Which of her books is your favorite?
Oh, and guess what? There’s a cat in this book. There always seems to be a cat in picture books. It’s a thing. Watch for them. Someday I may write a little book listing all the books that include pictures of cats.
Book Facts
Author / Illustrator: Leslie Patricelli
Copyright: 2018
Publisher: Candlewick Press
Age Range: Little Ones – Babies, Toddlers, and Preschoolers, Ages birth to 5
About the Book Art: The book is hand-lettered. The illustrations were created using acrylic paints.
Get the Book Bigger! Bigger!:
You can purchase this book new from Bookshop.org and used from Thriftbooks.com. Bigger! Bigger! is only available as a picture book at the time of this article; however, many of Leslie’s books are available as both picture books and board books.
It’s also commonly available at consignment stores and your local library will likely have this book as well as additional titles by Leslie Patricelli (there are many).
A few extra resources:
- Candlewick Press. Keep them on your radar.
- Leslie Patricelli’s website is www.lesliepatricelli.com. Go visit … it’s a great way to “meet” the author and read what she says about her own books. She also has some fun stuff to buy directly from her in her online store. I have my eye on one of her art prints!