This post is for all who visit this blog and want to publish a children’s book.
Lately I’ve been receiving many messages from people asking me questions about publishing their children’s book. Here are a few of the most common questions people have been sending:
- “Does Beehive Books and Art accept children’s book manuscripts for publication?”
- “Are you (Beehive Books and Art) a children’s book agent?”
- “Would the team at Beehive Books and Art please take a look at a children’s book manuscript (yet to be published)? And provide feedback.”
There have been so many of these inquiries that I felt an article focused on this topic – publishing children’s books – would be helpful.
I am excited that so many people are thinking of publishing children’s books. If you are one of those people – and you want to become a published children’s book author or illustrator – maybe this article will be helpful to you!
First, I’d like to say congratulations on deciding to get into the world of children’s book publishing.
New authors and illustrators are always needed.
New stories and perspectives are needed.
Kids are waiting to read what you write!
It is Going to Take Effort – A Lot of Effort
Writing a children’s book and getting it published is going to take effort and work. It’s going to take time. Think at least one year and possibly more. Especially for your first book.
I have run into many people who think that it’s very easy to write and publish a children’s book. Especially since children’s books don’t contain as many words as books written for grown-ups.
The truth is the opposite. Writing a children’s book is MORE of a challenge than writing for grown-ups.
And I want you to know that going in.
Children’s books are finely tuned pieces of creative work. They take proportionately more effort and time. To write for children is a skill and an art.
You Can Do It
Don’t let what I just said discourage you. If you feel the calling inside of you to create a book for children, please keep going.
Commit to the process. Commit to learning everything you can about the world of children’s books and publishing. Commit to learning who the leading authors and illustrators are. Commit to reading every children’s book you can get your hands on. Master the genres in the space. Make a list of the publishers. Find out the traditional process – how to meet and get an agent, how to improve your craft, who the team is that gets a book published.
Learn all these things and more on this journey.
The Resource I Recommend
When people come to me and ask me to review their manuscript, I refer them to this organization – SCBWI.
This is the place for you to get started learning all you need to know to publish a wonderful children’s book.
Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI)
They are “the international professional organization for authors and illustrators of books for children and young adults.”
Consider them your go-to resource for getting started on this journey. Visit their website and begin today :).
In Closing
I am excited for you. The world of children’s books is a magical place. It’s great to welcome new people!
I hope this article helps you a bit on your journey.
Here at Beehive Books and Art we are in the business of sharing great children’s books with our readers, and helping them raise their young readers.
We are not a publisher of children’s books and we don’t provide advice on getting into the space (beyond what you find in this article).
The great news is that the SCBWI does do the work of helping new writers. Spend lots of time reading what they have to offer, join one of their chapters, and attend some of their events. They can help you find your way!
Good luck!