Here’s an awesome way to find free and great quality resources and activities that go over great with kids!
Go to the websites of children’s book publishers. On those websites you will find all sorts of freebies!
Things like:
- videos
- printables
- activities
- lesson plan ideas (for teachers and home schooling families)
- advice for parents on raising readers
That sort of fun stuff.
Plus. And this is important. Check a variety of publishers.
Why? Because each publisher is unique. They have different visions for the types of books they publish. They “curate” different sorts of books (curate is a big publishing term – it means these are the types of books they select to publish).
I have noticed this trend where kids often only get exposed to Scholastic Books. Because Scholastic is really popular with schools. For book fairs and for books in the classroom.
Now I love Scholastic. They do a great job getting books into the hands of kids. And I do mean a great job (help run your school’s book fair to learn more!)
But if you only ever look at Scholastic stuff … well, you know … you’re gonna miss out on what other publishers have for you!
We have lots and lots of different kids with lots and lots of different interests. So. You know. Look at more than just Scholastic. Get some variety in your life.
Moving On!
Okay. All that aside. Let’s get to the important item I want to share with you.
A Freebie!
Do you have a child who is age zero to 9 years old? If yes, the rest of this post is just for you! (The rest of you can stop reading here. Sorry! But do come back. I blog about reading into middle school so I will definitely have freebie ideas in the future for your older kiddos! Or remember this post when a baby enters your family!)
The Freebie … Animated Sing-along Videos!

Barefoot Books has a section on their website with ANIMATED VIDEOS of their award-winning sing-alongs!
And I mean holy cow … they have posted A LOT OF VIDEOS!
Twenty four to be exact!
You do not need the books to enjoy the videos. Absolutely no need at all. The videos are complete in and of themselves. (Although once you enjoy the videos you might want the books lol!)
Pull this up on your computer, your smart tablet, your smart phone and enjoy!
Have fun!