Big and Small is what is known as an “opposites book.”
Opposites books teach babies and toddlers about the relationships between things. Like big and small, slow and fast, old and young. Children learn the introductory vocabulary words they can use to describe these opposites that they see in the world around them.
As you put together a home library try to include a few “opposites books”. Including these books often comes naturally – you’ll notice that many toddler books are “opposites books” and these are also books that children will gravitate towards. Because mastering this concept of opposites is on their mind at this stage of development.
I like this particular book because of the way it focuses on nature. Children really seem to respond to this title, and when I was a Community Bookseller for Barefoot Books this was one of the books that sold often and easily.
The illustrations are “a combination of handmade printed textures and digital collage”.
It’s also available in a bilingual English/Spanish edition.
Buy it directly from Barefoot Books (support a small business!), or from a Barefoot Books Community bookseller in your area.
Book Details
Author/Illustrator: Britta Teckentrup
Copyright: 2013
Publisher: Barefoot Books
Age Range: 0 to 4 years