An introductory field guide for children who are just beginning to do some on-their-own reading! Perfect for read-aloud as well.
Why I like this book:
- This book is one of those that is perfect for the fact-gathering vibe so common with emerging and independent readers. It’s FULL of nature information, with some facts in words and other facts in ideas.
- Excellent introduction to basic science – with guidance to observe using all their senses and recording what they see.
- Parents can use this book in an “open-an-go” format. If you’re homeschooling or looking to supplement school (expand the learning experiences your child receives) this book lets you do that without any preparation. Just grab the book and get outside!
- The activities are very doable. Nothing too complex to gather the materials and produce – but very effective for engaging your young reader. Another plus – these activities are original. There’s a group of “canned” activities out there that have value, but just get repeated and repeated and repeated. Sometimes it’s nice to have a new activity to try :).
Offers something for each learning style:
This book is an example of the skill you can find in a book team. In this case the book offers something for every type of learner and learning style, including:
- Make a map
- Stickers
- Musical activities
- Magnifying glass included for close observation
- Checklists
- Art activities
Our experience with this book: “This is a cool book!” says the 12-year old sitting next to me as I type this post for you. We found out copy at a Tractor Supply store. They have a nice selection of books from Storey Publishing – titles we had not seen before. We also purchased one of the companion books, Backyard Explorers: Bird Watch and we’re very temped to get the Beach Watch book as well! We took our book out with us, on a few nature hikes, in our backyard. It’s one of those books that invites you in. And it’s very sturdy – it will withstand being tucked into your backpack or spread out on a nature trail.
Get the Book
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You can also purchase Backpack Explorers: On the Nature Trail directly from the publisher Storey Publishing. Buying direct from a publisher is fun and it’s something I recommend as part of the adventure of getting books from different sources. Storey Publishing offers discount codes at times as well as free shipping. You might be surprised when you receive the shipment from them; when you order directly from the publisher they sometimes insert special surprises in the boxes :). It can be A LOT of fun!
Book Facts
Text: Kathleen Yale
Editors: Deanna F. Cook and Lisa H. Hiley
Art Direction and Book Design: Jessica Armstrong
Illustrations: Oana Befort, except page 47 by Jessica Armstrong
Photography: Kimberly Stoney with additional photography as credited
Copyright: 2018
Publisher: Storey Publishing
Age Range: Emerging and Independent Readers, Age 5 to 12
About the Book Art: A combination of photography by Kimberly Stoney plus additional photographers (see the long lists of credits on the copyright paper) and illustrations by Oana Befort.
See Inside the Book